Bishoping The Horse – PMS Style


If you have a few lakhs lying round,then be certain that the PMS guys will definitely seek you out.Most of them are simply not worth your time or money.But that’s not to say that sifting through them you might not find the occasional gem.

So really,its all about being aware of the common ways in which the portfolio management services (PMS) provided are made to look way better value than they are, akin to bishoping horses bound for sale.

So here’s the list of stratagems commonly resorted to. Fairly long,but by no means comprehensive.Please feel free to use the comments section to add to this list:

1.Simplest of all ,gross portfolio returns are reported, with nary a word about fees and expenses and the GST. This might show the investment managers to be investment geniuses.But might leave you with underwhelming net results.Much ado about nothing really and you might have done better simply sticking to less sexy financial products.

2.Because just so often,things look so much greater in theory than in actual practice,you find Jacks talking up model portfolio returns even as they remain rather quiet about actual portfolio returns.

3.Just as diamantaires send their diamonds to the labs likely to give them the best grades,PMS literature speaks of returns in terms of IRR, TWRR, simple average, etc.Whatever looks like the better figure.And as there is no standardized method for calculating returns,you need to do your own calculations to compare various PMS offers.

4. Another nifty trick is to inflate returns by actualizing partial periods.

5.Then there is the trick of omitting the cash component in computing returns thereby erasing the drag that cash exerts on returns.

6.Then there are portfolio managers who include in their firm’s performance, the performance which was achieved either before receipt of PMS licence or the performance of their proprietary account/ portfolio.

7.Then there are chaps selectively disclosing their portfolio, getting the same audited and showing that as the returns of the firm.

8.Additionally there is the dodge of ignoring withdrawn portfolios and thus reporting a return which suffers from ‘survivorship bias’.Obviously those clients experiencing stellar returns were not exclusively the the first to leave.

9.Then there is the little trick of not bringing up benchmarks that are inconvenient or simply changing them to the more convenient ones.

10.Another trick is not expensing out upfront fees and set-up costs but reducing them from your capital contribution.

11. Then performance fees are calculated after taking only realized gains into consideration and deliberately omitting unrealized losses

12.Some fail to widely publicize important factors such as a change in the identity of the fund manager and change in the investment strategy .

13.And many don’t provide the standard deviation figure of their portfolio when reporting performance. That is for you to calculate and figure out if you are cool with such divergence from the returns being touted to sign you up.

PMS products are supposedly for the savvier investor than the general mutual fund investor.So best you be savvy and do your own math and due diligence.

Voya Corporate Leaders Trust – The Virtue Of Sloth

Ever wondered what might happen if you just bought some leading stocks,once only ,early in your life,and simply held onto them for a life-time ? Generally practiced sloth? Arousing yourself perhaps only if a company went bankrupt or stopped dividends ?

Then here is a story for you : Read more of this post

Effect Of Long Term Capital Gains Tax On Equity Investments

Effect Of Long Term Capital gains tax On Equity Investments

Dynamic Asset Allocation Funds – For When You Need To Sit On Your Hands


I’ve had my financial habits called “inertia”. So for most of the time I must be doing somethings right. There is nothing like hyperactivity and  thrill-seeking to destroy your wealth or the capacity for wealth. Read more of this post

Investing Like An Indian Politician

wealthymattersThe one thing career politicians in India know is that income often comes in fits and starts and there is a need to provide for necessities and expenses in the meantime.

Here’s what a lot of them will do.

1.FDs in the name of every family member not qualifying to fall in the tax-net. That way some regular income for necessary expenses is always generated.

2.Land: Invest in land in appreciating location.Agricultural land purchased on any national highway at distance of 15 to 25 kms from the city centre of big cities have tended to double in 2-3 years and so make excellent main appreciating assets .Take up agriculture yourself or let out the land to other farmers for rent .So your income will be tax free and the underlying asset will appreciate as well. Regularly sell land on appreciation and move away further to grow capital. Urban land too works but community activities on it are not tax free. Read more of this post