The 8 Rules Of Dividend Investing


Dividend investing involves accumulating stocks that issue dividends to generate a steady stream of passive income.

Rule #1: The Quality Rule

Invest in high quality businesses that have a proven long-term record of stability, growth, and profitability. There is no reason to own a mediocre business when you can own a high quality business.Rank stocks by dividend history and corporate history ,the longer the better. Stocks must have paid steady or increasing dividends through the worst periods of financial stress and turmoil to be eligible for inclusion in your portfolio.

Rule #2: The Bargain Rule

Invest in businesses that pay you the most dividends per rupee you invest. All things being equal, the higher the dividend yield, the better. Additionally, only invest in stocks trading below their historical average valuation multiple to avoid investing in overpriced securities. So rank stocks by dividend yield. Only stocks trading below their say 10 year historical average valuation multiple are eligible for inclusion in your portfolio.

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Voya Corporate Leaders Trust – The Virtue Of Sloth

Ever wondered what might happen if you just bought some leading stocks,once only ,early in your life,and simply held onto them for a life-time ? Generally practiced sloth? Arousing yourself perhaps only if a company went bankrupt or stopped dividends ?

Then here is a story for you : Read more of this post