What Makes The Current Times So Great For Family Businesses ?

wealthymattersA commonly cited statistic is that only 30% of family businesses make it through the second generation, 10-15% through the third, and 3-5% through the fourth.

Now for some perspective : How many businesses of any kind are still around after the equivalent of three or four generations? A study of 25,000 publicly traded companies from 1950 to 2009 found that, on average, they lasted around 15 years, or not even through one generation!  In this context, family businesses look pretty enduring,don’t they?

In the hyper competition of the Fourth Industrial Age, family businesses have innate strengths over others forms of ownership, especially public companies. In the Second and Third Industrial Age, businesses had access to vast opportunities, which meant that winning strategies revolved primarily around size. Public companies had a clear advantage while raising massive capital. But firms today are no longer looking at endless opportunities. Instead, they have to struggle for their very survival in an intensely competitive world of slower growth and more frequent economic crises. Read more of this post

Don’t Break Them


This is Ratan Tata’s Credo

Keeping promises makes you reliable and trustworthy.It lies at the heart of your reputation as a businessperson.Don’t talk big.Do what you say you will.And soon you will find that people will fight to work for you,to work with you and invest in your businesses.

Jeff Bezos On Building A Brand


The Trust Economy And Collaborative Consumption

wealthymattersWhen I first heard of Couchsurfing.org and of people going abroad and sleeping on a strangers’ couches.I was amazed. It’s hard to say who I thought was more mad – the people who chose this stay option abroad or the person who’s sofa this was; ”What? For free? How safe was this? Then there were the horror stories……… but so many people manage just fine and have a great time in a new city with a fantastic host. Then it dawned on me that rather than this being a horrific idea, it could actually be something fun, exciting and groundbreaking. Maybe the idea of trusting strangers has its place.,,,,,,

Couchsurfing allows people who are looking for a place to stay to get in touch with people who have places to stay. Easy. But Couchsurfing is more than just about looking for a place to stay – people ask for rides, others to accompany them to gigs, museums or just to hang out! What it’s really about is making connections. Read more of this post

Protect Yourself From Stock Rigging
