Liebster Blog Awards


This post is long overdue.In fact its pending since last August. This shows how making excuses once, just makes making excuses again so much easier and the tomorrows never come.My apologies to sharechair.

Here is the oldest reference to the rules of this award:Link .Today this award is mostly awarded to blogs with small readerships,200 subscribers or less, to help grow their readerships.Personally I will focus on finance blogs,simply because I think they are quite niche and not as popular as they could be with a general readership.And I will not be sticking to exact subscriber numbers, but pick blogs I believe should be more popular given the quality of their content.

To start with here are my answers to sharechair’s questions:

1.What is your favorite type of book to read? Historical romances on the one hand and business and finance,especially the biographies of industrialists on the other. Read more of this post